Page 6 - Strategy
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Strategic Goal No. 3 (SG3):
            “To reinforce the maritime training”.

            Expected Action Plans (AP):

                  AP1:           Updating  Seafarers’  Study  Programs,  so  as  to  comply  with  the  provisions  of  the

                                 international instruments and their application to the national reality.
                  AP2:           Strengthening the system of audits to the bodies and institutions that deliver
                                 training courses for seafarers and port workers.
                  AP3:           Enhancing training and specialization of vessel inspectors, maritime auditors and

                                 officers responsible for the Flag State and Port State control.
                  AP4:           Enhancing training and specialization of maritime accidents investigators.

                  AP5:           Fostering the participation of women and equality of opportunities in the national
                                 maritime industry, through the dissemination and promotion of concrete measures.

            6                                        ESTRATEGIA GENERAL DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN MARÍTIMA DE CHILE    |     2021-2025
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