Page 2 - Strategy
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                                                         OF THE CHILEAN MARITIME ADMINISTRATION
                                                            FOR THE EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF
                                                          THE INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS OF THE
                                                           INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION
                                                                             2021 - 2025

                                                      I.- PRESENTATION AND


                                                      The Chilean Maritime Administration (AMN) is composed of
                                                      different State  institutions and bodies with competence
                                                      in the maritime-port area that meet in an Interministerial
                                                      Coordination Group  for Maritime Affairs,  named  National
                                                      Maritime Administration Coordinating Committee . The
                                                      role of the AMN is to ensure compliance with the duties
                                                      and responsibilities assumed in international and national
                                                      regulations, with a view to reaching the highest performance
                                                      standards in the maritime-port sector.

                                                      The Headquarters Maritime Administration is the Directorate
                                                      General of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine
                                                      (DIRECTEMAR), which, in its role as National Maritime
                                                      Authority, coordinates the activities of the National Maritime
                                                      Administration Coordinating Committee and works as its
                                                      executive secretary.

                                                      This  Maritime  Strategy aims at joining efforts  and  serving
                                                      as a planning and management tool to ensure that the
                                                      Chilean State complies with its international duties and
                                                      responsibilities as Coastal State, Flag State and Port State,
                                                      which were taken on after ratifying the instruments of the
                                                      International Maritime Organization (IMO), thus contributing
                                                      to maritime safety, conservation of biodiversity, preservation
                                                      of the marine environment and facilitation of seaborne trade.

                                                                    This Maritime Strategy is based on observance
                                                      of International Law, the United Nations Sustainable
                                                      Development Goals, the United Nations Convention on
                                                      the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the International Maritime
                                                      Organization Strategic Plan  and the framework defined in
                                                      the National Ocean Policy and its Oceanographic Program,
                                                      in addition, it establishes a methodology with clear and
                                                      concrete goals that allow the supervision and assessment
                                                      of the processes of effective implementation of the relevant
                                                      mandatory instruments. Finally, it serves as a mechanism
                                                      of continuing review to achieve, maintain, and improve the
                                                      results and organizational capacity of the Chilean Maritime

            2                                        ESTRATEGIA GENERAL DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN MARÍTIMA DE CHILE    |     2021-2025
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