Page 5 - Strategy
P. 5

Strategic Goal No. 2 (SG2):
            “To protect the sustainability of resources and preserve the

            marine environment”.

            Expected Action Plans (AP):

                  AP1:           Optimizing  the  preparation  of  the  response  to  environmental  contingencies
                                 resulting from accidents and incidents of national and foreign vessels in
                                 national jurisdiction waters, through the application of the provisions set forth in
                                 International Conventions.

                  AP2:           Strengthening the inspection of national and foreign vessels with respect to the
                                 application of the provisions of the MARPOL Convention, with special attention to
                                 the sustainable use of marine biodiversity.

                                 Strengthening the activities of fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated
                  AP3:           (IUU) fishing, by taking preventive and operational actions to reduce the volumes
                                 of captured resources, not complying with the Fisheries Management measures
                                 ordered by the competent Fisheries Authority or in contravention of conservation
                                 measures laid down by International Conventions to which Chile is a Party.

                  AP4:           Increasing control over the sources of dumping of vessels and land-based discharges
                                 that damage the marine environment and biodiversity, by the application of
                                 national and international instruments.

                  AP5:           Ensuring the application of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from
                                 ships, with a view to reducing the maritime industry CO2 tonnage release to the

             ESTRATEGIA GENERAL DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN MARÍTIMA DE CHILE    |     2021-2025                       5
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