Page 3 - Strategy
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            To effectively implement international maritime
            instruments that ensure and keep safer, more
            protected and cleaner seas, in addition to increased
            safety and efficiency regarding maritime activity.

            III.- MISSION

            To coordinate the different State institutions and
            bodies to achieve the effective implementation of
            the international instruments of the International
            Maritime Organization, and to meet the highest
            performance standards in the maritime-port



            The general principles that have been observed for the design of the Strategic Goals are:

                Coordination:  It is important that State institutions and bodies, with competence in
                                      the maritime field, are coordinated and harmonized for the processes of
                                      ratification and implementation of the different international instruments of
                                      the International Maritime Organization.

                          Safety:  The safety of human life at sea, ports and coastlines must be prioritized,
                                      as well as the safety of navigation for the analysis and application of every
                                      maritime regulation.

                   Technology:  The use of technology must enhance the safety of maritime activities, decrease
                                      bureaucracy and facilitate shipping.

                Sustainability:  Marine biodiversity, environment and conservation are essential for Chile, and
                                      their protection must be considered as a priority when implementing care
                                      and control measures .

                Effectiveness:  It is the desired effect of the timely and correct application of the   standards
                                      established in international instruments.

            This Maritime Strategy is intended to guide and manage efforts towards the effective implementation of
            each of the provisions set forth in the International Maritime Conventions signed by the Chilean State in
            the multilateral bodies of the United Nations. Likewise, it has been designed to harmonize the actions
            and activities of the State institutions and bodies with competence in the maritime-port area, fostering
            the synergy that allows moving towards safer, more protected, cleaner and better-known seas, thus
            making sure that Chilean shipping operates efficiently through them.

             ESTRATEGIA GENERAL DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN MARÍTIMA DE CHILE    |     2021-2025                       3
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