Page 12 - Strategy
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                                        GENERAL STRATEGY DIAGRAM

                             NATIONAL REFERENCES                              INTERNATIONAL REFERENCES
                 National Ocean Policy - National Oceanographic Program   United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and UNCLOS
                Long-term Maritime Management Plan 2019-2030 (Pacific   Strategic Plan of the International Maritime Organization
                    Plan) Medium-term Pacific-Sea Plan 2019-2022       IMO Instruments Implementation Code - III Code

                              “Effectively implement international maritime instruments that ensure and maintain safer,
                              more protected and cleaner seas, in addition to increased safety and efficiency regarding
                                                         maritime activity”
                                   “Coordinate the different State institutions and bodies to achieve the effective
                             implementation of the international instruments of the International Maritime Organization,
                                   and to meet the highest performance standards in the maritime-port sector”

                                  Strategic                            Strategic         Strategic
               Strategic         Goal No. 2:        Strategic         Goal No. 4:       Goal No. 5:        Goal No. 6:
               Goal No. 1:    Protect sustainability   Goal No. 3:                                         Strengthen
           Strengthen maritime   of resources and   Reinforce maritime   Reinforce   Strengthen measures   participation in
            safety and security  preserve the marine   training    the maritime legal   for the facilitation of   forums and relevant
                                 environmen                                                             international bodies
           Action Plans (AP)  Action Plans (AP)  Action Plans (AP)  Action Plans (AP)  Action Plans (AP)  Action Plans (AP)

                 AP1                AP1               AP1               AP1:               AP1:              AP1:
            Reduce accidents in    Optimize response    Update study   Enhance the   Optimize coordination   Reinforce
              the SAR area      preparation to      programs          institutional   of bodies engaged   representation and
                                environmental                        structure of the   in maritime trade   participation of
                 AP2:           contingencies         AP2:          National Maritime   management     maritime authorities in
           Reduce accidents on                  Strengthen maritime   Administration                    international forums
           board and in ports of   AP2:              audits                                AP2:
            national jurisdiction  Strengthen inspections               AP2:          Increase measures      AP2:
                                  of vessels          AP3:        Optimize the processes   of maritime trade   Coordinate actors in
                 AP3:                             Enhance training   of creation and     facilitation    the maritime field
            Reduce accidents in    AP3:          and specialization of   updating of maritime             attending IMO
            pilotage activities  Strengthen activities   inspectors, auditors   laws and regulations  AP3:
                              of fight against Illegal   and others                  Cooperate in updating   AP3:
                 AP4:            fishing (IUU)                          AP3:          maritime and port     Improve
            Reduce the number                         AP4:            Strengthen         legislation      communication
            of observations from   AP4:           Enhance training   instructions and                    and coordination
               inspections    Increase control over   and specialization of   guidelines regarding   AP4:   for the analysis
                               sources of dumping  investigators    maritime accident   Develop technology to   and monitoring of
                 AP5:                                                investigations   facilitate shipping  maritime issues
           Strengthen knowledge    AP5:               AP5:
              and training    Ensure application of   Foster participation of
                               measures to reduce   women and equality
                 AP6:           GHG emissions   of opportunities in the
             Reduce security                     maritime industry

            12                                       ESTRATEGIA GENERAL DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN MARÍTIMA DE CHILE    |     2021-2025
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